
De Mythemes



Les mots des listes suivantes seront recherchés dans les œuvres traitées avec un modèle de langue coïncidant. La recherche est restreinte aux POS indiqués.

  • barn barnlig barnlighed barnet (langModel: Spacy_nb_core_news_md, POS: NOUN)
  • barn barnslig biktbarn (langModel: Spacy_sv_core_news_md, POS: NOUN)
  • barn børnene børn barnet barnlig barnlighed (langModel: Spacy_da_core_news_md, POS: NOUN)
  • child children childish (langModel: Spacy_en_core_web_md, POS: NOUN)
  • enfant enfants enfintins enfantine (langModel: Spacy_fr_core_news_md, POS: NOUN)
  • infans infantis infantes infanti infantium infantibus (langModel: Stanza_la_ittb, POS: NOUN)

Voisins (expérimental, betweenness > 0.02)

Age, Air, America, American, Animal, Anna, Antichrist, Appear, Arjeplog, Ask, Aunt, Battle, Bear, Beautiful, Bed, Begin, Bird, Blood, Body, Book, Boy, Brand, Brant, Bridge, Brother, Cabin, Captain, Castle, Christian, Christianity, Christmas, Church, Circle, City, Coast, Cold, Corridor, Country, Crew, Crime, Cry, Culture, Dance, Dark, Day, Death, Deer, Disparaître, Doctor, Dog, Door, Doute, Dream, Dryad, Duke, Duty, Earth, East, Eat, Edvard, Ekeby, End, Enemy, England, English, Eskimo, Europe, Evening, Evil, Eye, Face, Fall, Family, Farm, Father, Fear, Find, Fire, Fish, Fjord, Floor, Flower, Follow, Foot, Forest, Forester, Form, French, Gentleman, Gerda, German, Girl, God, Gold, Good, Grace, Grave, Greenland, Greenlander, Grow, Gustav, Guttorm, Gösta, Hair, Hall, Hand, Harbour, Head, Heart, Help, Hero, Hike wander, History, Home, Horse, House, Human being, Hunger, Hunting, Hut, Ice, Iceland, Ida, Indian, Italian, Jerusalem, Jokkmokk, Joseph Giuseppe, Josephine, Jésus Christ, Kallem, Karen, Karl, Kayak, Kill, King, Knife, Knowledge, Knut, Lagerlöf, Lake, Land, Landscape, Language, Lapp, Lappland, Larsen, Law, Life, Light, Line, Listen, Literature, Love, Luck Joy Happiness, Lund, Maiden, Man, Marianne, Memory, Middle Ages, Milk, Morning, Mother, Mountain, Name, Native, Nature, Night, Nils, Nora, Norway, Olaf, Open, Paris, People Folk, Picture, Place, Pleasure, Poetry, Power, Present, Priest, Quiet, Ragnhild, Railway, Reality, Reindeer, Religion, River, Room, Russian, Sacrifice, Sail, Saint, Say, Scandinavian, School, Sea, Seal, See, Ship, Silver, Sinfjötli, Sit, Skin, Sky, Sledge, Smoke, Snow, Solbakken, Soldier, Son, Song, Soul, Spain, Spirit, Spring, Stairs, Stand, State, Stockholm, Stone, Stork, Storm, Strength, Suffering, Summer, Sun, Svein, Sweden, Swedish, Synnøve Solbakken, Sæmund, Table, Talk, Teacher, Tell narrate, Think, Throw Cast, Time, Touch, Tradition, Travel, Tree, Try, Tuft, Ujjuk, Uncle, Understand, Victim, Village, Voice, Völsung, Warm, Warrior, Water, Way, West, Wheel, Whiteness, Wife, Wild, Wind, Window, Wolf, Woman, Wonder Amazement, Wood, Word, Work, World, Worship, Year


Basculer les colonnes : Voisins

Titre Publication Auteurs Modèle liste Fréquence C.Prox C.Int Voisins
Titre Publication Auteurs Modèle liste Fréquence C.Prox C.Int Voisins
Völsunga saga Anonymous Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.016238 0.4912 0.027436 Father Knowledge Life Son Völsung Land State Hall Sinfjötli
Dryaden. Et Eventyr fra Udstillingstiden i Paris 1867 Hans Christian Andersen Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.0053505 0.67442 0.04439 Age Air Dryad People Folk Priest Say Wind Listen Paris Song Tree Wood Earth Flower Wild
Eventyr, fortalte for Børn Hans Christian Andersen Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.012893 0.5443 0.062163 Age Beautiful Bed Begin Boy Castle Death Say Head Dance Flower Ida Table Heart Ship Land Stork Dark Fish Maiden Man Quiet Soldier Touch
Nye Eventyr Hans Christian Andersen Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.013661 0.61789 0.042108 Age Ask Boy Tree Wood Death Earth Land Mother Flower Hand Say World God Forest History Think Song Head Listen Door Gerda Cold Quiet Stand Wild Dark Farm Water Lake Wife
Brand Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.00574 0.65385 0.17341 Brand Dream Death God Listen Present Grave Priest
Bygmester Solness Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0063542 0.0 0.0
Når vi døde vågner Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0083714 0.0 0.0
Peer Gynt Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0011406 0.29942 0.0 Dance
Ludvigsbakke Herman Bang Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.0090934 0.58462 0.11566 Age Bed Boy Father Eye Sun Travel Mother Maiden Priest Word Forester Lund Whiteness Wild Ida See Stairs Corridor Floor Earth Girl God Say Hero Touch
Voyage au centre de la terre Jules Verne Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0025653 0.0 0.0
Articles de presse sur Selma Lagerlöf Ouest-France Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0087503 0.696 0.026317 Age American Book Brant Christmas Country Day Death End English Find Follow French Good Italian Lagerlöf Land Literature Night Open Russian Saint Scandinavian Spirit Tell narrate Time German Christian Gold Jésus Christ Light See Tradition Hunting Soul Wild House Culture Europe Girl Grace Life Middle Ages Song Nils Sweden Travel Gösta Man Hike wander Poetry
Heimskringla Snorri Sturluson Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.010091 0.49559 0.0010653 Ask Boy Brother Farm Feast Mother England Faith Gold King Religion Son Sword Woman Norway Wife Destruction Hall Kill See Stand Table Way Danish Denmark Father Water
Gesta Danorum; english translation 1514 Saxo Grammaticus Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0051481 0.41443 0.0054952 Change Danish Father Help Quiet Son Talk Think Day Faith Follow Gods Jupiter Name Odin Religion Rome Superstition Thor Olaf
The history of Lapland: wherein are shewed the original manners, habits, marriages, conjurations, &c. of that people : written by John Scheffer, professor of law and rhetoric at Upsal in Sweden 1674 Johannes Schefferus Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0085458 0.56383 0.009765 Body Bow Church Priest Year Lapp Lappland Say Time Reindeer Summer Woman Christian PNoun King Religion Day Grow Listen Moon Superstition Wonder Amazement Hunting Language Mountain River Ship Stone Wild Worship Door Fire Fish Man Place Tell narrate Understand Wife Follow Foot Head Winter
Le Voyage de Laponie 1731 Jean-François Regnard Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0072509 0.46383 0.0019276 Blood Warm Water Woman Lapp Reindeer Say
Det gamle Grønlands nye Perlustration 1741 Hans Egede Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0082149 0.52069 0.0054303 Body Death Good Home House Life Place Time Woman Man Hair Seal Skin Whiteness Winter Work God Hero Listen Think Wisdom Word Foreigner Language
Histoire de Dannemark 1758 Paul-Henri Mallet Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.00094038 0.0 0.0
Lachesis Lapponica, or a Tour in Lapland 1811 Carl von Linné Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.00439 0.4116 0.0 Foot Head Reindeer Wood
Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the Years 1819, 20, 21 and 22 1823 John Franklin Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0097213 0.51429 0.0021237 Age Brother Life Tribe Wife Year Crew Morning Sledge Spirit Chipewyan Dog Indian Man Nation Woman House Family River Snow Winter Talk Destruction Say Cold Face Foot Skin Tent
Journal of a Third Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; Performed in the Years 1824-25 in His Majesty's Ships Hecla and Fury, Under the Orders of Captain William Edward Parry 1826 William Edward Parry Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.011146 0.5493 0.025017 Age Appear Eskimo Son Knowledge Life Woman Year Circle Deer Hair Line Seal Skin People Folk Man Hut Death Foot Nature Dark Whiteness Find Country Father Mother Reality Good Greenland Wife Fire
Lettres sur l'Islande 1837 Xavier Marmier Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.00081922 0.4534 0.0 Art Eskimo Fish Fox Hand House Hut Liberty Seal Travel Wild animals Woman
Nordens gamle Gude- og Helte-Sagn 1840 Peter Andreas Munch Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0082448 0.54957 0.0037415 Aesir Age Balder Begin Boy Brother Son Wife Year Father Earth Giantess Loki Odin Thor Travel Ingeborg King Realm Sacrifice Time Grow Listen Love Day Destin Evil Gods Good Law Life Spirit Universe Yggdrasil Horn Knowledge Magic Mead Stand Talk Wisdom Word Death Forest Siggeir Sigmund Signý Völsung Wolf Ship
Lettres sur le Nord 1840 Xavier Marmier Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.011284 0.46992 0.010829 Beer Woman Day Eau de vie Liquor Milk Peasant Table Eye Death Hut Life Priest Luck Joy Happiness Mother Say Year Girl Love Maiden Christmas House Time God Christian Name People Folk Reindeer
Reise nach dem skandinavischen Norden und der Insel Island im Jahre 1845 1846 Ida Pfeiffer Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0040977 0.33723 0.0 Icelander Man
Rypen i Justedal 1850 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.003639 0.75 0.6 People Folk Present Knut Song
Littérature, voyages & poésie 1850 Jean-Jacques Ampère Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0066214 0.51905 0.0077721 Age Animal Battle Bird Blood Brother Dark Death Foot Gold Heart Hero Horse King Life Sigurd Siegfried Wife Dragon Enemy Father Hoard Monster Regin Sigmund Hand Head Son Lapp Reindeer Wild Grace Man Silver Woman Year Dog Family House Hut Swedish Kill Warrior
I Sverrig 1851 Hans Christian Andersen Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.0037545 0.57746 0.022245 Age Beautiful Bird God Land Dark Flower Hand Head Iceland Quiet Song Summer Door Farm Listen City Death Forest Grave Night Sea Way Religion Say
Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal or, Eighteen Months in the Polar Regions, in Search of Sir John Franklin's Expedition, in the Years 1850–51 1852 Sherard Osborn Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.001353 0.44257 0.0 Body Cold Danger Evil Family Good Home Hunger Knowledge Life Love Name Pleasure Power Present Sea Soul Strength Think
Tableau de la littérature du Nord au Moyen Âge, en Allemagne et en Angleterre, en Scandinavie et en Slavonie 1853 Frédéric Gustave Eichhoff Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.00329 0.37043 0.0 Father God
Sancthansnatten 1853 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0061602 0.54444 0.16667 Anna Listen Cold Present
Walden ; or, Life in the Woods 1854 Henry David Thoreau Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0039483 0.32949 0.0 Life
Voyage d'une femme au Spitzberg 1854 Léonie d'Aunet Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0048143 0.43276 0.00075314 Bed Lapp People Folk Wood Good House Norway Reindeer Think
Voyage d'une femme au Sptizberg 1854 Léonie d'Aunet Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0048018 0.44527 0.00093462 Bed Form Lapp People Folk Wood Good House Iron Norway Reindeer Think
Gildet paa Solhoug 1856 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0034828 0.0 0.0
The Heroes of Asgard and the giants of Jötunheim; or, The week and its story 1857 Annie Keary Eliza Keary Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0082438 0.4543 0.0014342 Age Aunt Christmas Listen Time Uncle Wonder Amazement Year Good Loki Son Wolf
Synnove Solbakke 1857 Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.006135 0.54762 0.038669 Boy Guttorm Karen Sæmund Table Solbakken Synnøve Solbakken
Fru Inger til Østeraad 1857 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.011905 0.0 0.0
Northern Travel: Summer and Winter Pictures of Sweden, Denmark and Lapland 1859 Bayard Taylor Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0038417 0.35685 0.0 People Folk Room
Arne 1859 Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0069788 0.2381 0.0 Priest
Livet i gamla världen. [excerpt] 1860 Frederika Bremer Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.012015 0.61202 0.022885 Age Beautiful House Grave Jerusalem Jésus Christ Memory Mountain Place Sea Stand Village Way Life Man People Folk Whiteness Woman Year Horse See Family Girl Listen Talk Day Water Sit Country Death Earth God Say School Voice Son City Heart Travel Dark Wife Human being River Morning Sun
La fascination de Gulfi ("Gylfa Ginning") : traité de mythologie scandinave. traduit du texte norrain en français et expliqué dans une introduction et un commentaire critique perpétuel, par Frédéric Guillaume Bergmann 1861 Frédéric Guillaume Bergmann Snorri Sturluson Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0031065 0.0 0.0
​​Kjærlighedens Komedie 1862 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0013677 0.0 0.0
Bibelns lära om Kristus. Samvetsgrann undersökning 1862 Viktor Rydberg Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.0032954 0.46429 0.0 God Jésus Christ Spirit
Notes from the underground 1864 Fiodor Dostoïevski Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0038241 0.0 0.0
Kongs-Emnerne 1864 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0078576 0.45187 0.096814 Battle Listen Norway God Priest
Les Aventures du capitaine Hatteras 1864 Jules Verne Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.00090439 0.0 0.0
The Book of Were-Wolves 1865 Sabine Baring-Gould Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.022382 0.60173 0.024035 Age Ask Battle Blood Body Boy Brother Castle Knowledge See Present Say Eat Father Girl Head Room Sit Talk Tell narrate Tree Warrior Wife Day Good House Woman Year Son Village Way Life Duke England Crime Death Pleasure Time Disparaître Kill Dog Night Wolf God Form Find Man Suffering Think Knife Throw Cast Country Land
Medeltidens Magi 1865 Viktor Rydberg Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.0048 0.57258 0.002483 Battle Body Church City Country Earth Eat Father Field Forest House Jésus Christ Land Soul Stand Strength Talk War Water Devil People Folk
LÉGENDES DU FLORIVAL, OU A MYTHOLOGIE ALLEMANDE DANS UNE VALLÉE D'ALSACE. 1866 M. L'ABBE CH. BRAUN. Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0063611 0.34539 0.0 Sky
De unges forbund 1869 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0017957 0.0 0.0
Cast Away in the Cold; an Old Man's Story of a Young Man's Adventures, as Related by Captain John Hardy, Mariner 1869 Isaac Israel Hayes Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.01983 0.58103 0.040453 Age Ask Bear Book Boy Captain Cold Cry Death Heart Hunting Smoke Song Wild Say Day Present Crew Harbour Sail Tree Ship Man Time Way Face God Circle East State Water Door Word Good Sea Tell narrate People Folk Life See Father Knowledge Think Dog Woman Head Whiteness Wind
Tre nye Eventyr og Historier 1870 Hans Christian Andersen Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.003199 0.32814 0.0 Dark Farm Maiden Tree
Digte 1871 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0034441 0.39234 0.048433 Lake Land Present English Hair
The Land of Desolation: Being A Personal Narrative Of Observation and Adventures In Greenland 1871 Isaac Israel Hayes Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0067877 0.45767 0.01805 Age Bear Christian PNoun Family Love Summer Upernavik Wife Wild Wind Window Life Seal World Home Think Man Danish
Nye Eventyr og Historier 1872 Hans Christian Andersen Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.014219 0.59 0.020973 Age Boy Mother People Folk Say History Dance Listen Song Whiteness Family House Father Light Think Land Tree Wood Man Stand Wind
Om Lappland och Lapparne, företrädesvis de svenske 1873 Gustaf von Düben Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.0072036 0.58803 0.032685 Age Air Animal Arjeplog Ask Battle Bear Begin Body Time Death Earth Man Sacrifice Say Tell narrate Victim Christian Christianity Church Father Luck Joy Happiness Girl See Son Sun Lappland School Year Lapp Day Fire Water Mother Snow Norway People Folk Jokkmokk Language House Reindeer Wife Fish Milk Summer God Soul Skin Swedish Teacher State Lake Grow
Kejser og Galilæer 1873 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0023348 0.0 0.0
Oden och Loke: två bilder ur fornnordiska gudaläran 1873 Theodor Wisén Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.0018822 0.3886 0.0 Fire Land
Fra Eventyr og Historier 1874 Hans Christian Andersen Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.625 0.0 Country Land Mother
Poésie scandinave : Henrik Ibsen 1874 Léo Quesnel Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0042644 0.37681 0.0 Earth Land
The Story of Frithiof the Bold 1875 Anonymous Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0059574 0.43056 0.012631 Age Name Son Viking Woman King Realm Time Sea
Marie Grubbe 1876 Jens Peter Jacobsen Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.0022809 0.0 0.0
Samfundets støtter 1877 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0032796 0.0 0.0
The Great Frozen Sea: A Personal Narrative of the Voyage of the Alert During the Arctic Expedition of 1875-76 1878 Albert Hastings Markham Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.00068852 0.0 0.0
The Far North: Exploration in the Arctic Regions 1879 Elisha Kent Kane Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0019779 0.30769 0.0 Head Morning
Et Dukkehjem 1879 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0025622 0.0 0.0
The Younger Edda. Also called Snorre's Edda, or The Prose Edda 1879 Snorri Sturluson Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0066646 0.59006 0.0069673 Army Battle Bed Begin Bone Brother Brynhild Eat Hammer Loki Night See Sit Skin Son Tell narrate Thor Throw Cast Fafnir Form Gold Gudrun Gunnar Hair Horse Name Ride River Sigmund Sigurd Siegfried Sword Water Fire Knife Morning Place Follow King Kill Wife Coast Crew Death Find Heart Island North Norway Present Sail (action) Sea West Grani Regin Stone Foot Game Race Think Utgard Warm
Vegas färd kring Asien och Europa jemte en historisk återblick på föregående resor längs gamla verldens nordkust 1880 Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.0036373 0.44648 0.00068967 Age Battle Body Man Russian Tent Hair Water Winter Fish
Röda rummet 1880 August Strindberg Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.004459 0.51232 0.03593 Ask Castle Door Gustav Harbour Landscape Native Open Water Work Knowledge Man Say Talk Mother God Jésus Christ Year
Niels Lyhne 1880 Jens Peter Jacobsen Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.0038164 0.34615 0.0 Age
Gengangere 1881 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.013006 0.0 0.0
The story of a Scandinavian Summer 1881 Tyler Katherine Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0059009 0.49083 0.0032962 Age Boy Cabin Castle Hut Mother Night Norwegian Open See Sit Woman Father Son Work Harald King Man Present Year Name Traveller
By Fell and Fjord or Scenes and Studies in Iceland 1882 Elizabeth Jane Oswald Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.003593 0.34364 0.0 Home
Norse stories: retold from the Eddas 1882 Mabie, Hamilton Wright Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0060525 0.38119 0.0 Age Think
Vildanden 1884 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0078466 0.0 0.0
Ved Vejen 1886 Herman Bang Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.0047348 0.0 0.0
Fru Marianne 1887 Victoria Benedictsson Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.0084325 0.44737 0.016124 Battle Karl Knowledge Mother Year Think God Eye
Fädernas gudasaga 1887 Viktor Rydberg Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.0038178 0.51823 0.0035597 Age Ask Battle Beach Beautiful Say Sea See Shore Way Day Fog Horse Mother School Son World Death Human being House Stand Strength Sun West Father Halfdan Heimdall North Sign Year
På Guds Veje 1889 Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.011948 0.64286 0.12423 Battle Bear Boy Christmas City Dance House Kallem Storm Listen Warm Doctor Josephine Edvard Ragnhild Door People Folk Girl Olaf Tuft God Wolf
Tine 1889 Herman Bang Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.0024582 0.46429 0.0 Bed Mother Quiet Travel
Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark 1889 Mary Wollstonecraft Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0082071 0.375 0.015057 Girl Heart State Land Horse Peasant Travel
Grettir the Outlaw 1889 Sabine Baring-Gould Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0032737 0.5014 0.0037649 Aurora Battle Begin Boy Door Father Find God Hall Hammer Head Home Iceland Icelander King Meat Name Odin Sky Spear Sun Think Thor Thunder Christian PNoun Law Life Ride
Hors de France : Ibsen poète satiriste 1890 Arvède Barine Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.01016 0.41379 0.0 See Woman
Hedda Gabler 1890 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0040073 0.0 0.0
La gymnastique à Stockholm 1891 Fernand Lagrange Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.003638 0.4403 0.0 Floor Good Hand Land Snow
Eskimoliv 1891 Fridtjof Nansen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0033213 0.425 0.0 Death Grave Lake Religion Soul
Henrik Ibsen 1891 Harald Hansen Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0051177 0.57895 0.0 Brand Good Power See
La Semaine dramatique : La canard sauvage 1891 Jules Lemaître Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.008245 0.42014 0.0 Say Father Girl Knowledge
Gösta Berlings saga 1891 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.021052 0.6 0.020091 Ask Beautiful Begin Bridge Priest Think Country Door God Home Land Man People Folk Way Father Pleasure Earth Hand Marianne Night Forest Head King Sit Church Soldier Stand Ship School Eye Woman Death Tell narrate Year Help Cry Dark Dog Ekeby Gentleman Horse Wild Talk Human being Soul Place Day Follow West
Forrådt 1892 Amelia Skram Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.0025871 0.0 0.0
Les revenants 1892 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.026303 0.50685 0.001129 Door Knowledge Mother Good
Les Français au Pôle nord 1892 Louis Boussenard Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0021991 0.0 0.0
Keynotes 1893 George Egerton Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.012522 0.56283 0.11029 Age Bird Word Day Girl God Knowledge Nature Present Tell narrate Whiteness Circle Doctor Evil Man Name School Wife Floor Flower Line Song Spring Time Tree Head Larsen Svein Cry Good See
Les Salons de 1893 2 1893 George Lafenestre Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0018532 0.03125 0.0 State
Une Française au pôle Nord 1893 Pierre Maël Charles Causse Charles Vincent Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0011866 0.0 0.0
The Workd of Ice or The Whaling Cruise of "The Dolphin" 1893 Robert Michael Ballantyne Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0022875 0.31746 0.0 Hair Head Woman
The Tragedy of the Norse Gods 1893 Ruth J. Pitt Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.011996 0.48 0.0015319 Apples Beautiful Iduna Love Luck Joy Happiness Present Tree Dwarf Grow Darkness Face Form Help Rock Voice Wife
Legends of Norseland 1894 A. Chase Mara L. Pratt-Chadwick Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.017838 0.5292 0.0032289 Ask Castle Death Fear God Hammer Life Thor Whiteness Frigga Wisdom Grow Tree Yggdrasil Giant Jotunheim Knowledge Odin Valley
Discords 1894 George Egerton Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.016582 0.39207 0.0077172 Air Song Soul Whiteness World Dance Sit Work
Lille Eyolf 1894 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0091912 0.0 0.0
Osynliga länkar 1894 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.013211 0.61184 0.066984 Age Anna Ask Battle Brother Cabin See Talk Mother Pleasure Sit Work Farm Say Wife Listen Death Earth Heart Land House Man Woman God Hut Knowledge Christmas Room Year Church Word Country Night Human being Day Door Face
Au pays des lacs. Scènes de la vie familiale en Suède. 1895 Fernande de Lysle Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.020257 0.37313 0.039401 Begin Room Sledge Mother
Les théâtres : Le Petit Eyolf 1895 Henry Fouquier Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.011521 0.0 0.0
Théâtre : Brand 1895 Jacques du Tillet Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0072046 0.57143 0.0 Brand Death Destin Follow God
La Semaine dramatique : Brand 1895 Jules Lemaître Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.03079 0.57143 0.020743 God Luck Joy Happiness Woman Good
La Semaine dramatique : Le petit Eyolf 1895 Jules Lemaître Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.018644 0.7 0.095238 Good Love Man Say
Fram over Polhavet. Den norske polarfærd 1893–1896 1896 Fridtjof Nansen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0016662 0.3467 0.0 Dog
Farthest North: Being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship Fram, 1893–96, and of a Fifteen Months' Sleigh Journey 1896 Fridtjof Nansen Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0039299 0.44491 0.0000077939 Age Arctic Head Sea Travel Tromsø Year
John Gabriel Borkman 1896 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_nb_core_news_md barn 0.0050018 0.0 0.0
Antikrists Mirakler 1897 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.017751 0.61635 0.026098 Antichrist Ask Battle Begin Body Church God Jésus Christ Picture Strength Travel World Worship Day House Son See Sit Talk Man Say Eye Knowledge Railway Wife Work Woman Home City Dark Room Stand Year Death Hand Mother Place Throw Cast Way Think
Through Arctic Lapland 1898 Charles John Cutcliffe Wright Hyne Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0041058 0.30515 0.0 Woman
Ibsen (fin) 1898 Jules de Gaultier Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0067249 0.0 0.0
The North Shore Mystery 1899 Henry Fletscher Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0019907 0.0 0.0
Land of the Long Night 1899 Paul Du Chaillu Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0044155 0.37634 0.0 Dog Drove Lapp Woman
En herrgårdssägen 1899 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.0063291 0.39375 0.0024911 Age Art Time Death Girl
Asgard Stories: tales from Norse mythology 1901 Mary H Foster Mabel H Cummings Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0094619 0.49175 0.018934 Age Begin Book Form Love Nation Norsemen North Present South Tell narrate Face Heart Myth Mythology Teuton Germanic People Door Find Life Man Open People Folk Wife
Jerusalem I. I Dalarne 1901 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.016708 0.59184 0.058503 Ask Begin Bridge Say Talk Think Time Evening Listen Sit Human being Understand Open Stand Follow Jerusalem School Sky God Knowledge Word Eye Country Land People Folk Way Work Place Dark
In the Days of Giants 1902 Abbie Farwell Brown Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0064895 0.45939 0.0000061387 Life Father Name Odin Time
Jerusalem II. I det heliga landet 1902 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.024185 0.58282 0.084068 Age Ask Beautiful Bed Begin Cabin Jésus Christ Love Sit Word Karl Say Country Land School Wonder Amazement Wife Listen Water Forest Hut Day God Stand Work Farm Doctor Cold Follow Human being Pleasure Swedish Voice Year
Fridtjof Nansen. A Book for the Young 1903 Jacob B. Bull Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0029372 0.0 0.0
Children of the Arctic 1903 Josephine Diebitsch Peary Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.013965 0.49231 0.0041786 Age Bear Foot Head Skin Whiteness Dark Listen Native Eskimo Home Fur Good Present
Ibsen et son public 1904 Aurélien Lugne-Poe Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.004562 0.0 0.0
The Frozen North 1904 Edith Horton Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0029824 0.46234 0.00082982 Cold Floor Follow Meat Seal Snow Stone Walrus Woman End Eskimo Skin Work
Inför lif eller död? Sanningsord i de lappska förhållandena 1904 Elsa Laula Renberg Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.0047133 0.58333 0.020847 Ask People Folk School Stand Swedish Present Year
The Sea-Wolf 1904 Jack London Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0024652 0.38602 0.0 Day Line Star Work
A book of Ghosts 1904 Sabine Baring-Gould Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.012746 0.57874 0.029191 Age Anna Ask Aunt Bed Boy Father Find Listen Window Work Heart Home Joseph Giuseppe Love Mother Soul Throw Cast Wheel Warm Form Day Head Dark Way Church People Folk Place Wife Worship Luck Joy Happiness Present See Good House Ship Son Woman Face Girl River Water Death Hut Whiteness
Doktor Glas 1905 Hjalmar Söderberg Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.0070895 0.54 0.025834 Battle Duty Human being Understand Woman World Mother Church Eye Stand City Listen Luck Joy Happiness Say Help Knowledge
Tracks in the snow 1906 Godfrey Rathbone Benson Charnwood Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0028916 0.0 0.0
Une maison de poupée 1906 Henrik Ibsen Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.023418 0.61141 0.1397 Christmas Door Girl Hand Help Mother Head Open Table Fear Find Luck Joy Happiness See Time Present Good Nora Woman Listen Knowledge Tree Man Life House
"Younger Edda". In: The Elder Eddas of Saemund Sigfusson; and the Younger Eddas of Snorre Sturleson 1906 I. A. Blackwell Snorri Sturluson Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0044593 0.52083 0.000071712 Ask Earth High Har (Norse mythology) Power Son World Day Ganglere Heaven Horse Man Midgard Sun Father Moon Way Wolf
Under Nordenvindens Svøbe 1906 Knud Rasmussen Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.011411 0.58871 0.030235 Age Ask Brother Wife Mother Say End Hunger Woman Think Death God Country Fjord Ice Kayak Land Jésus Christ Listen House Earth Head Sea Travel Girl
Au cœur de l’hiver suédois - Noël en Dalécarlie 1907 André Bellessort Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0016393 0.0 0.0
Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige 1907 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.017571 0.59581 0.018616 Abroad Åsa Ask Beach Beautiful Begin Boy Brant Martin Brother Cabin Land Listen Nils Holgersson People Folk Place See Sit Travel Tree Whiteness Father Mats Talk Jon Knowledge Ola Hut Nääs Think Follow Girl Malmberget Tell narrate Dunfin Mother Say Human being Day Time Understand Danger Lake Night Shore Throw Cast Cow Door Evening Farm Foreigner School Teacher Country Forest Hand Help Hike wander Man Sweden Word Work Year Jarro Life Tåkern Nils
Heimskringla (extracts) 1907 Snorri Sturluson Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0047612 0.0 0.0
Round about the North Pole 1907 William John Gordon Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0011552 0.0 0.0
Told by the Northmen: Stories from the Eddas and Sagas 1908 Ethel Mary Wilmot-Buxton Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0089099 0.4898 0.0046855 Age Brother Frithiof Good Ingeborg King Son Stand Sigmund House Father Woman Evil Face Siggeir Signý Völsung Wild Wood Year Grow Heart Law Man Peace Snow Wind
The North West Passage 1908 Roald Amundsen Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0063003 0.46628 0.0043355 Age Body Boy Hole Stay Tribe Wife Mother Son Man Woman Family Year Evening Follow Heart Knife Sit Tent Eskimo Seal Skin
La Fantaisie suédoise - Selma Lagerlöf 1909 André Bellessort Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0050154 0.5 0.011776 Good Hand Way Day Death Eye Life Think Say World
Voyage en Suède 1910 André Bellessort Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0016978 0.45745 0.0 Life See Woman
The Siege and Conquest of the North Pole 1910 George Bryce Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0014014 0.0 0.0
The Great White North 1910 Helen S. Wright Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0023204 0.36743 0.0 Age Man
The North Pole. Its Discovery under the Auspices of the Peary Arctic Club 1910 Robert E. Peary Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0064132 0.45352 0.0013323 Age Eskimo House Place Woman Christmas Foot Seal Walrus Family Hunter Life People Folk Village
My Attainment of the Pole 1911 Frederick Albert Cook Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0063385 0.45376 0.001759 Age Christmas Home Igloo Native Sledge Time Mother Cold Dog Good Heart Skin Village Wife Woman Door Eskimo Face Father Tribe Word
In Northern Mists: Arctic Exploration in Early Times (vol. 2) 1911 Fridtjof Nansen Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0019898 0.42593 0.0 Eric Iceland Listen Saga Sit War Woman
In Northern Mists: Arctic Exploration in Early Times 1911 Fridtjof Nansen Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0030069 0.39901 0.0 Eric Iceland Listen Saga Sit
En bog om lappernes liv 1911 Johan Turi Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.035766 0.67416 0.053371 Age Ask Beautiful Begin Corridor Warm Fire Cry Wild Wind Earth Land Say Cold Dark Water Woman Work Snow Reindeer Hand Lake Whiteness See Tree Wood Stone River Think Dog Listen Silver
Femmes écrivains D'aujourd'hui 1912 Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.012975 0.45752 0.0019002 Age House Church Day Jésus Christ Soul World Girl Family Mother History Say Year Doctor Name
A Negro Explorer at the North Pole 1912 Matthew Henson Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0021297 0.53355 0.0011613 American Battle Boy English Family Fly Harbour Hill Island Pole Sea See Star Sydney Whiteness Wind Word Eskimo Country Fur House Life Man Ship Water Winter Work
Körkarlen 1912 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.024059 0.61121 0.12691 Ask Bed Begin Cabin Sit Talk Woman City Wife Knowledge Say Home Face Mother Think Door Hut Day People Folk Karl Listen Open Stand Forest Tell narrate Time Throw Cast
Stories from Northern Myths 1914 Emilie Kip Baker Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0070423 0.50005 0.0010401 Age Asgard Ask Balder Beautiful Day Earth Frigga Geirrod Gods Island Love Odin Son Woman Year Dark Follow Ice Light Night Sky Sun Work World
Kejsarn av Portugallien 1914 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.019178 0.58389 0.08612 Age Ask Cabin Church Horse Sledge Travel Way Listen Girl Mother Wife Father God Follow Time Try Hand World Say Sit Human being Word Day Hut Wonder Amazement
Adrift in the Arctic Ice Pack: From the History of the First U.S. Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin 1915 Elisha Kent Kane Horace Kephart Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.00075907 0.0 0.0
Kåtornas Folk 1916 Ester Blenda Nordström Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.011118 0.53801 0.013744 Air Ask Begin Book Man Time Work End Land Night Try Word Say Stand Understand Day Girl Knowledge Present See Heart Place
Whale hunting with gun and camera 1916 Roy Chapman Andrews Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0011233 0.0 0.0
L'Ame de la France : souvenirs et impressions 1917 Marika Stiernstedt Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0052973 0.50955 0.022841 Age Hand School See Year Father Good Think Man Soldier Son Paris Word House Say Enemy
Bannlyst 1918 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.0068767 0.45087 0.0020267 Bohuslän Day Priest Land Listen Say
Dat läh mijen situd! Det är vår vilja 1920 Karin Stenberg Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.0091743 0.44961 0.00021899 House School See Swedish
The Children of Odin. The Book of Northern Myths 1920 Padraic Colum Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.010091 0.57761 0.0080144 Appear Asgard Ask Autumn Balder Battle Blood Bridge Brother Car Castle Day Freyja Frigga Nanna Night Sigurd Siegfried Wife Life Name Place Ymir Father Heimdall Odin Cry Earth Knowledge Tell narrate Man Ragnarök Sword War Forest King Land Siggeir Sigmund Signý Son Tree Völsung Fall Grow Ice Moon Snow Spring Storm Summer Sun Wind Witch Wolf PName World Year Cliff Destruction Form Giant Hair Hero Hole Kill Milk Ship
The Ice Pilot 1921 Henry Leverage Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.001359 0.0 0.0
Les Meules du Seigneur 1928 Marika Stiernstedt Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.021713 0.54286 0.072214 Priest Whiteness See Girl Say Eye Morning Pleasure Day Mother House Stockholm Year Religion Son
Les Meules du Seigneur (Partie I) 1928 Marika Stiernstedt Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.019155 0.53086 0.017281 Say See Woman Life Priest Mother Wife Church Service God Hand
Ett barns memoarer Mårbacka II 1930 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.016287 0.54023 0.026348 Age Ask End Paris Water Say Day Fall Farm Wife Evil Human being Priest Sit Table Travel Voice West Land Way Ship Fish Morning
Les quatre bâtons de maréchal 1935 Marika Stiernstedt Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.023612 0.5102 0.080689 Book Brother Day Cry Good Mother Say Silver Uncle Eye Year Father Door School Woman
von Sneckenströms (Del 1) 1935 Marika Stiernstedt Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.018286 0.62821 0.11597 Begin Year Father Present Say Mother House Day God Help Listen Think Understand Priest Stockholm Place Room Farm Hand Word
Babette's Feast 1950 Isak Dinesen Karen Blixen Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0039084 0.40981 0.0 Face Sit Think Way Wonder Amazement Word World
Skæbne-Anekdoter 1958 Karen Blixen Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.0095969 0.41667 0.0043183 Age Captain Father Grow Love City Fjord Girl Mother Name Ship
Smilla et l'amour de la neige 1996 Peter Høeg Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0083186 0.23942 0.0 Snow Track
La Loi des Sames 2014 Lars Pettersson Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0067122 0.0 0.0
HOMO sapienne 2014 Niviaq Korneliussen Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.017431 0.61728 0.12559 Ask Begin Think World Corridor Heart City Country Evil Greenland Land People Folk Say Love Hand Listen See Man Night
Le Détroit du loup 2014 Olivier Truc Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0031825 0.34975 0.0 Anneli Begin Woman
Hotel Valhalla 2016 Spacy_en_core_web_md child 0.5354 0.000048633 Aesir Ask Balder Begin Boy Brother Fenrir Frigga God Good Hel Hod Hoder Kill Loki Mother Odin Son Try Vanir Wolf PName World Love
L'Expédition 2016 Monica Kristensen Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0024765 0.37742 0.0 Dog Nina Tom
Qaanaaq 2018 Mo Malø Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0066399 0.43003 0.022319 Age Ask Foot Doute Greenlander Life Seal Ice Mother Night Family Olaf Ujjuk
Boréal 2018 Sonja Delzongle Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0077225 0.4012 0.0013549 Anita Atsuko Ava Death Suffering Year
La Glace 2020 John Kåre Raake Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0034642 0.34927 0.0 Boy Eye Yann
La Fille sans peau 2020 Mads Peder Nordbo Spacy_fr_core_news_md enfant 0.0053402 0.0 0.0
Blomsterdalen 2020 Niviaq Korneliussen Spacy_da_core_news_md barn 0.0083269 0.44371 0.0075905 Ask Beautiful Cry Denmark Head Listen Touch End Mother Water
Venusberget 2021 Katarina Carlshamre Spacy_sv_core_news_md barn 0.0074375 0.38514 0.0 See

Moyenne de la fréquence d'apparition dans les œuvres selon la période

- 19  : 0.008984
1500 - 1519  : 0.005148
1660 - 1679  : 0.008546
1720 - 1739  : 0.007251
1740 - 1759  : 0.004578
1800 - 1819  : 0.004390
1820 - 1839  : 0.007229
1840 - 1859  : 0.006052
1860 - 1879  : 0.005714
1880 - 1899  : 0.008622
1900 - 1919  : 0.008304
1920 - 1939  : 0.015314
1940 - 1959  : 0.006753
1980 - 1999  : 0.008319
2000 - 2019  : 0.007361
2020 - 2039  : 0.006142