
De Mythemes



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  • animal (langModel: Spacy_en_core_web_md, POS: NOUN)
  • animal (langModel: Spacy_fr_core_news_md, POS: NOUN)
  • animal fera belua bestia pecus (langModel: Stanza_la_ittb, POS: NOUN)
  • djur (langModel: Spacy_sv_core_news_md, POS: NOUN)

Voisins (expérimental, betweenness > 0.02)

Age, Appear, Battle, Beach, Bear, Beast, Begin, Bird, Blood, Blubber, Body, Bone, Bow, Cape, Change, Coast, Cold, Country, Dark, Day, Death, Deer, Disappear, Disparaître, Dog, Doute, Drove, Earth, Eat, End, Enemy, Eskimo, Evening, Family, Field, Find, Fire, Fish, Floor, Fly, Foot, Form, Fox, Hair, Hand, Harbour, Head, History, Hole, Horn, Horse, House, Hunter, Hunting, Ice, Island, Johnson, Kill, Lake, Land, Language, Lapp, Lappland, Life, Line, Listen, Lycksele, Man, Meadow, Meat, Milk, Monster, Name, Nature, North, Open, People Folk, Place, Present, Reindeer, Rifle, River, Russian, Sailor, Say, School, Science, Sea, Seal, See, Serpent, Ship, Shore, Siberia, Sign, Skin, Sledge, Smoke, Snow, South, Spear, Spitsbergen, Spring, Summer, Sun, Tell narrate, Tent, Throw Cast, Time, Track, Travel, Tree, Victim, Walrus, Warm, Water, Whale, Whiteness, Wild, Wild animals, Wind, Winter, Wolf, Woman, Wood, Work, World, Year


Toggle columns: Voisins

Titre Publication Auteurs Modèle liste Fréquence C.Prox C.Int Voisins
Titre Publication Auteurs Modèle liste Fréquence C.Prox C.Int Voisins
Voyage au centre de la terre Jules Verne Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.005291 0.47872 0.049633 Find Monster Water Life Appear Floor Land Sea Beast Evening Science Foot Body Whale Tree Disappear Family Drove Serpent Doute Earth Line Sign Nature Wild
Heimskringla Snorri Sturluson Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0027631 0.47269 0.0018173 Foot Head Horn Horse Kill Life Realm Ride Spear Sweden Sword Time Try Uppsala Wood Drove Gold
Gesta Danorum 1514 Saxo Grammaticus Stanza_la_ittb animal 0.0027091 0.4019 0.000028989 Eric Frodo House Island
Gesta Danorum; english translation 1514 Saxo Grammaticus Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0030097 0.010753 0.0 Beast Bird
Relation du Groenland 1647 Isaac La Peyrère Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0032787 0.48108 0.0005282 Fish Foot Horn Nature Unicorn Ask Dog Doute Place Sailor Wild animals Wolf
The history of Lapland: wherein are shewed the original manners, habits, marriages, conjurations, &c. of that people : written by John Scheffer, professor of law and rhetoric at Upsal in Sweden 1674 Johannes Schefferus Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.00072422 0.0 0.0
Le Voyage de Laponie 1731 Jean-François Regnard Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.02396 0.58289 0.030864 Bird Lappland Winter Beast Land Reindeer Wood Skin Wild animals Bear Blood Eat Language Lapp Meat Wolf Snow Whiteness Foot Wild Bone Bow Kill Country Change Cold Enemy Tree Earth Fish Hunter Lake Name Nature Hunting River Dark Year Victim
Det gamle Grønlands nye Perlustration 1741 Hans Egede Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.011101 0.59921 0.012524 Age Air Form Sea Tell narrate Time Winter Wood Fish Greenlander Seal Water Body End Man Skin Head See Bone Circle Dark Foot Whale Whiteness Bird Fly Gentleman Grow Land Bear Begin Find Follow People Folk River Stand Way Appear Island Listen Ship Year God Life Hair Hole Nature Native Horn Oil North Bay
Précis de la géographie universelle, ou Description de toutes les parties du monde (tome 3) 1810 Condrad Malte-Brun Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0030543 0.4621 0.00012362 Horse Earth Land Sheep Beast France Horn Race Mountain Name Field
Lachesis Lapponica, or a Tour in Lapland 1811 Carl von Linné Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.01317 0.5539 0.028286 Age Spring Reindeer Year Field Meadow Fish Tree Woman Lapp Wind Drove Eat Meat Milk People Folk Winter Foot Horn Skin Lycksele River Throw Cast Fly Horse Form Open Place Present See Water Body End Ship Wood Summer Fire
Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the Years 1819, 20, 21 and 22 1823 John Franklin Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.022294 0.52381 0.0014306 Meat Drove Crew Hunter Kayak Kill People Folk Tent Good Lake Deer Ice Time Cold Eat Spirit Strength Wood Begin Morning Present Snow House See Knowledge Throw Cast Coast Head Horn Skin Stone
Journal of a Third Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; Performed in the Years 1824-25 in His Majesty's Ships Hecla and Fury, Under the Orders of Captain William Edward Parry 1826 William Edward Parry Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.011146 0.52703 0.021414 Bone Seal Skin Bow Hair Kill Eskimo Sledge Snow Travel End Spear Summer Whale Deer Line Throw Cast Hole Island Wild Coast Winter Sea Harbour Water Dog
Lettres sur l'Islande 1837 Xavier Marmier Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0010923 0.36117 0.0 See
Nordens gamle Gude- og Helte-Sagn 1840 Peter Andreas Munch Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0014657 0.49228 0.00070887 Ask Bear Danger Destin Faith Father Good Luck Joy Happiness People Folk Religion See Spirit Worship Blood Door Farm Feast Freyr Iceland Priest Sacrifice Wall Man
Lettres sur le Nord 1840 Xavier Marmier Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0012646 0.0 0.0
Reise nach dem skandinavischen Norden und der Insel Island im Jahre 1845 1846 Ida Pfeiffer Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0023903 0.33333 0.0 Island
Littérature, voyages & poésie 1850 Jean-Jacques Ampère Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0012039 0.4334 0.0 Child Dog Family Foot House Hut Lapp Swedish Wild Woman
Archibald Hughson: An Arctic Story 1850 William Henry Giles Kingston Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0047785 0.41327 0.0093406 Sit Bear Fly Listen Line Monster Ship
Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal or, Eighteen Months in the Polar Regions, in Search of Sir John Franklin's Expedition, in the Years 1850–51 1852 Sherard Osborn Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0023677 0.30603 0.0 Life
Tableau de la littérature du Nord au Moyen Âge, en Allemagne et en Angleterre, en Scandinavie et en Slavonie 1853 Frédéric Gustave Eichhoff Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0012654 0.43117 0.0 King Land Sea Wild Wisdom World
Walden ; or, Life in the Woods 1854 Henry David Thoreau Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0051448 0.53358 0.019339 Eat Beast Body Drove Form God Nature Spirit Whiteness Wisdom Circle Darkness Fog Heart Hope Lake Liquor Memory Morning North Shore Soul Sun Table Valley Voice Water Wine Wild Wood Ask Life Say Work
Voyage d'une femme au Spitzberg 1854 Léonie d'Aunet Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0041265 0.51304 0.013137 Good Lapp Reindeer Skin Wild animals Bear Beast Fox Kill Wild Coast Father Foot Hand Ice Mother Norwegian Place Rock Sea Ship Tell narrate Whale Winter Year Bird Body Fur Grace Hunter Spitsbergen Strength
Voyage d'une femme au Sptizberg 1854 Léonie d'Aunet Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0041158 0.50708 0.012425 Dark Good Lapp Reindeer Skin Bear Beast Fox Kill Wild Father Hand Ice Mother Norwegian Place Rock Sea Ship Tell narrate Water Whale Work Year Bird Body Fur Grace Spitsbergen Strength
The Heroes of Asgard and the giants of Jötunheim; or, The week and its story 1857 Annie Keary Eliza Keary Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0012491 0.0 0.0
Northern Travel: Summer and Winter Pictures of Sweden, Denmark and Lapland 1859 Bayard Taylor Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0034924 0.41549 0.000025833 Lapp Reindeer Snow Way Bed Deer Follow
Livet i gamla världen. [excerpt] 1860 Frederika Bremer Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.0019403 0.4 0.0 Human being Open Way
Notes from the underground 1864 Fiodor Dostoïevski Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0005463 0.0 0.0
Les Aventures du capitaine Hatteras 1864 Jules Verne Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.020284 0.47431 0.059231 Track Ice Seal Sea Water Bear Fox Johnson Rifle Hunter Meat Begin Hand House Snow Dog Sailor Say Whiteness Winter Sun Kill
The Book of Were-Wolves 1865 Sabine Baring-Gould Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0050645 0.46959 0.0014236 Wild Beast People Folk Religion Soul Blood Country Eat Form Kill Body Wolf
Medeltidens Magi 1865 Viktor Rydberg Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.0022154 0.50714 0.0 Air Day Démon Follow Freyja Language Listen Mars Place Serpent Stand Strength
LÉGENDES DU FLORIVAL, OU A MYTHOLOGIE ALLEMANDE DANS UNE VALLÉE D'ALSACE. 1866 M. L'ABBE CH. BRAUN. Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0027728 0.37102 0.0 Say
Cast Away in the Cold; an Old Man's Story of a Young Man's Adventures, as Related by Captain John Hardy, Mariner 1869 Isaac Israel Hayes Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0056657 0.48197 0.00071919 Cold Death Seal Snow End Line Appear Dog Follow Man Rock Sledge Stone Ice Whale Whiteness Wild
The Land of Desolation: Being A Personal Narrative Of Observation and Adventures In Greenland 1871 Isaac Israel Hayes Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0025257 0.0 0.0
Om Lappland och Lapparne, företrädesvis de svenske 1873 Gustaf von Düben Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.0053374 0.53016 0.012275 Age Air Say Drove Fjeld Reindeer Battle Skin Day Land School See Stand Sacrifice Victim Follow Horn Snow Throw Cast Body Child Death Tell narrate God Soul Father Head Knowledge Quiet Tree People Folk
The Great Frozen Sea: A Personal Narrative of the Voyage of the Alert During the Arctic Expedition of 1875-76 1878 Albert Hastings Markham Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0059212 0.50584 0.016738 Age Warm Ice Seal Ship Walrus See Dog Eskimo Battle Crew Exploration Sledge Travel Winter Drove Hill Meat Time Wolf Way
Shores of the Polar Sea: a Narrative of the Arctic Expedition of 1875-76 1878 Edward Lawton Moss Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0022712 0.0 0.0
The Far North: Exploration in the Arctic Regions 1879 Elisha Kent Kane Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0056041 0.34457 0.0 Seal Walrus
Vegas färd kring Asien och Europa jemte en historisk återblick på föregående resor längs gamla verldens nordkust 1880 Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.0075777 0.55094 0.021365 Age Year Death Russian Tell narrate Snow Time North Place Coast Earth Ice Land Say Siberia Summer Tent Winter Sea See Walrus Beach Shore Day Ship Water Fish People Folk Wild Bear Man Spitsbergen Fire Smoke Dark Work
Röda rummet 1880 August Strindberg Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.00039114 0.0 0.0
The story of a Scandinavian Summer 1881 Tyler Katherine Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0018686 0.0 0.0
By Fell and Fjord or Scenes and Studies in Iceland 1882 Elizabeth Jane Oswald Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.00089824 0.0 0.0
Norse stories: retold from the Eddas 1882 Mabie, Hamilton Wright Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.40849 0.0 Bird Death Life Tree Wind World
Fädernas gudasaga 1887 Viktor Rydberg Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.0008853 0.35943 0.0 Day
Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark 1889 Mary Wollstonecraft Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0016835 0.0 0.0
Eskimoliv 1891 Fridtjof Nansen Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0098628 0.55389 0.014017 Danger Death Faith Form Knowledge Magic Man Power Religion Skin Spirit Worship Concept World Hunter Hunting Kayak Kill Seal Strength Walrus Indian Myth Bone Hole Line Sea Throw Cast Weapon Boy Good Head Help Wild Bird End Present Whale Land Ship Soul Body Game Water Battle Foot Stand
Gösta Berlings saga 1891 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.0026637 0.0 0.0
Les Français au Pôle nord 1892 Louis Boussenard Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0044937 0.41241 0.0090916 Bear Doctor Eye Fire Rifle Weapon Wolf Dog Meat Parisian
Keynotes 1893 George Egerton Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0010984 0.0 0.0
Une Française au pôle Nord 1893 Pierre Maël Charles Causse Charles Vincent Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0047466 0.24117 0.0015262 Danger Bear Body Dog Head Monster
The Workd of Ice or The Whaling Cruise of "The Dolphin" 1893 Robert Michael Ballantyne Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.004927 0.41667 0.0052766 Face Seal Walrus Dive Whale Arctic Power Rock South Summer Fire Sun
The Tragedy of the Norse Gods 1893 Ruth J. Pitt Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0014395 0.0 0.0
Discords 1894 George Egerton Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0011055 0.0 0.0
Osynliga länkar 1894 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.001384 0.37652 0.0 Forest Rock Time
Au pays des lacs. Scènes de la vie familiale en Suède. 1895 Fernande de Lysle Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0013687 0.3937 0.0 Beast Day Good Man Moose Strength
Farthest North: Being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship Fram, 1893–96, and of a Fifteen Months' Sleigh Journey 1896 Fridtjof Nansen Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.014309 0.50711 0.00050916 Bear Head Johansen Dog Follow Listen Rifle Present See Stand Kayak Seal Time Walrus Water Land Morning Disparaître Line Death Day End Hole Ice Shore Way
Antikrists Mirakler 1897 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.00090044 0.35317 0.0 See
Through Arctic Lapland 1898 Charles John Cutcliffe Wright Hyne Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.002281 0.34419 0.0 Deer Face
The North Shore Mystery 1899 Henry Fletscher Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0022119 0.0 0.0
Land of the Long Night 1899 Paul Du Chaillu Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.018359 0.5436 0.0045991 Age Air Dog Drove Lapp Reindeer Ski Tent Woman Sledge Horse Work Throw Cast Beautiful Dark Day Fox Fur Head Meat Place Ptarmigan Say Tree Try Whiteness Eat Fish Sheep Change Cold Kill Skin Winter Summer Hill Knowledge Deer Horn Strength Year Snow Begin Think Good Time
En herrgårdssägen 1899 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.0060414 0.40909 0.0027083 Day Help Begin Follow Forest Land Travel Way
Jerusalem II. I det heliga landet 1902 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.0014043 0.0 0.0
The Call Of The Wild 1903 Jack London Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0030345 0.0 0.0
Fridtjof Nansen. A Book for the Young 1903 Jacob B. Bull Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0026702 0.42586 0.0 Bear Begin Dog Fox Ice Johansen See Think
Children of the Arctic 1903 Josephine Diebitsch Peary Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0060716 0.53039 0.005411 Cold Dog Head Skin Begin Father Home Seal Think Walrus Winter End Man Meat Native Rifle Throw Cast Try
The Frozen North 1904 Edith Horton Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.01014 0.53134 0.0084624 Alaska Follow Fur Hunter Kill Polar Seal Body See Water Dog Find Johansen Nansen Bear Head Hole Meat Try Way Floe Ice Think Bay Country Island Land Life Science Work Eat Throw Cast Warm
The Sea-Wolf 1904 Jack London Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0021752 0.0 0.0
A book of Ghosts 1904 Sabine Baring-Gould Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.00082615 0.0 0.0
Doktor Glas 1905 Hjalmar Söderberg Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.00095804 0.0 0.0
Through the Air to the North Pole; or, The Wonderful Cruise of the Electric Monarch 1906 Roy Rockwood Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.005344 0.49048 0.0034982 Bear Explorer Ice Kill Rifle Sea Beast Dog Good Eskimo Battle Boy Crew Meat Polar Stand Voice
Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige 1907 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.0075425 0.5393 0.0094794 Age Air Fire Human being Stand Throw Cast Try Water Work Morning Mother Sit Boy Farm Horse House Nils Holgersson Way Ask Dog Forest Gråfäll Karr Moose Battle Help Open Brant Akka (nils holgerson) Follow Kullaberg Door Head Mountain Night Begin Cow Death Hike wander Knife Listen Understand
Round about the North Pole 1907 William John Gordon Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0033213 0.0 0.0
Told by the Northmen: Stories from the Eddas and Sagas 1908 Ethel Mary Wilmot-Buxton Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0026205 0.0 0.0
The North West Passage 1908 Roald Amundsen Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0045502 0.40458 0.00031374 Bone Cook (profession) Deer Eskimo Follow Stone Blood
First at the North Pole; or, Two Boys in the Arctic Circle 1909 Edward Stratemeyer Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0045033 0.50228 0.00089025 Battle Bear Beast Cold Follow Good Grow Head Hut Ice Kill Snow Stand Game Present Moose Tree
The Siege and Conquest of the North Pole 1910 George Bryce Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0062286 0.43626 0.00038717 Head Line Kill Seal See Hut Kayak Meat Nansen
The Great White North 1910 Helen S. Wright Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0035359 0.0 0.0
The North Pole. Its Discovery under the Auspices of the Peary Arctic Club 1910 Robert E. Peary Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.003512 0.4248 0.0016453 Head Meat Tent Bear Igloo See Snow
My Attainment of the Pole 1911 Frederick Albert Cook Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.010894 0.48174 0.0053605 Battle Bow Boy Horn Knife Rock Stone Try Weapon Wild Bear Cliff Head Line Present Throw Cast Seal Skin Walrus Foot Gull Drove Body Life Mother Snow Summer Warm Winter Bone Fox Ship Shore Sledge
In Northern Mists: Arctic Exploration in Early Times (vol. 2) 1911 Fridtjof Nansen Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0043113 0.41367 0.0 Fish Ship Skin Water
In Northern Mists: Arctic Exploration in Early Times 1911 Fridtjof Nansen Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0056721 0.47929 0.001068 Eat Forest Life People Folk Skin Bird East Find Fish Fishing Greenlander Hunting Polar Reindeer Seal Ship Apples Church Island Myth Say Day
Femmes écrivains D'aujourd'hui 1912 Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0012357 0.0 0.0
A Negro Explorer at the North Pole 1912 Matthew Henson Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.00094652 0.40979 0.0 Eskimo
Adrift in the Arctic Ice Pack: From the History of the First U.S. Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin 1915 Elisha Kent Kane Horace Kephart Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0025808 0.0090909 0.0 Bear
Kåtornas Folk 1916 Ester Blenda Nordström Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.0049413 0.44231 0.0 Hand Land Snow Storm
Whale hunting with gun and camera 1916 Roy Chapman Andrews Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.046506 0.56944 0.03841 Age See Tell narrate Death Ship Whale Blubber Earth Head Land Life Skin Warm Year Cape Foot South Winter Disparaître Battle Open Say School Water Whiteness Day Find Listen Time Body Appear Eat Sea History World Family
Bannlyst 1918 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.00095954 0.0 0.0
Dat läh mijen situd! Det är vår vilja 1920 Karin Stenberg Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.0012801 0.0 0.0
The Ice Pilot 1921 Henry Leverage Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.001359 0.0 0.0
The Seed of the Arctic Ice 1932 H.G. Winter Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0036563 0.30144 0.0 Way
Signes gravés sur les églises de l'Eure et du Calvados 1964 Asger Jorn Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0014755 0.0 0.0
Smilla et l'amour de la neige 1996 Peter Høeg Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0013274 0.0 0.0
La Loi des Sames 2014 Lars Pettersson Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.003729 0.22116 0.0 Body Head Strength
Le Détroit du loup 2014 Olivier Truc Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0020756 0.0 0.0
Hotel Valhalla 2016 Spacy_en_core_web_md animal 0.0015156 0.0 0.0
L'Expédition 2016 Monica Kristensen Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0069341 0.49367 0.01019 Bear Polar Wild animals Dog Eye Knut Danger House Nina Tom Greenland Winter Rifle Revolver Snow Terje Ski
Qaanaaq 2018 Mo Malø Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0041148 0.36103 0.0036724 Dog Bear Track Hunter Sledge Ujjuk
Boréal 2018 Sonja Delzongle Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0077225 0.335 0.0 Bear Wild animals
La Glace 2020 John Kåre Raake Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0031755 0.3641 0.0020328 Air Fire Ocean Sea Suffering Head Polar
La Fille sans peau 2020 Mads Peder Nordbo Spacy_fr_core_news_md animal 0.0037579 0.0 0.0
Venusberget 2021 Katarina Carlshamre Spacy_sv_core_news_md djur 0.0016903 0.0 0.0

Moyenne de la fréquence d'apparition dans les œuvres selon la période

- 19  : 0.004027
1500 - 1519  : 0.002859
1640 - 1659  : 0.003279
1660 - 1679  : 0.000724
1720 - 1739  : 0.023960
1740 - 1759  : 0.011101
1800 - 1819  : 0.008112
1820 - 1839  : 0.011511
1840 - 1859  : 0.002739
1860 - 1879  : 0.005012
1880 - 1899  : 0.004114
1900 - 1919  : 0.005634
1920 - 1939  : 0.002098
1960 - 1979  : 0.001476
1980 - 1999  : 0.001327
2000 - 2019  : 0.004349
2020 - 2039  : 0.002875