
De Mythemes



Les mots des listes suivantes seront recherchés dans les œuvres traitées avec un modèle de langue coïncidant. La recherche est restreinte aux POS indiqués.

  • fishing (langModel: Spacy_en_core_web_md, POS: NOUN)
  • fiske (langModel: Spacy_sv_core_news_md, POS: NOUN)
  • fiskeri (langModel: Spacy_da_core_news_md, POS: NOUN)
  • fiskeri fiske fangst (langModel: Spacy_nb_core_news_md, POS: NOUN)
  • pêche pesche peche (langModel: Spacy_fr_core_news_md, POS: NOUN)
  • pesca pescare pesce (langModel: Spacy_it_core_news_md, POS: NOUN)

Voisins (expérimental, betweenness > 0.02)

Bay, Captain, Crew, Danger, Day, Fish, Fjord, Form, France, Iceland, Island, Line, Man, Place, Police, Sailor, Sea, Ship, Suffering, Travel, War, Whale, Wind


Basculer les colonnes : Voisins

Titre Publication Auteurs Modèle liste Fréquence C.Prox C.Int Voisins
Titre Publication Auteurs Modèle liste Fréquence C.Prox C.Int Voisins
Heimskringla Snorri Sturluson Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0012013 0.33485 0.0 Spring
Relation du Groenland 1647 Isaac La Peyrère Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.445 0.0 Country Find Land Winter
The history of Lapland: wherein are shewed the original manners, habits, marriages, conjurations, &c. of that people : written by John Scheffer, professor of law and rhetoric at Upsal in Sweden 1674 Johannes Schefferus Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0028969 0.0 0.0
Le Voyage de Laponie 1731 Jean-François Regnard Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.0037831 0.29584 0.0 Hut
Det gamle Grønlands nye Perlustration 1741 Hans Egede Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0031083 0.44412 0.0 Man Seal Sit Skin Way Whale Woman
Histoire de Dannemark 1758 Paul-Henri Mallet Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.0007523 0.0 0.0
Précis de la géographie universelle, ou Description de toutes les parties du monde (tome 3) 1810 Condrad Malte-Brun Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.0012133 0.3566 0.0 Coast Harbour
Lachesis Lapponica, or a Tour in Lapland 1811 Carl von Linné Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0015964 0.34529 0.0 Fish
Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the Years 1819, 20, 21 and 22 1823 John Franklin Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0069994 0.47255 0.00029013 Age Appear Ask Cold Day Eskimo Face Fish Night Sledge Man Tell narrate Tent Tribe Wife
Lettres sur l'Islande 1837 Xavier Marmier Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.0021846 0.46512 0.00024421 Age Danish Horse Icelander Peasant Woman Good Milk Reykjavík Year
Lettres sur le Nord 1840 Xavier Marmier Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.0050584 0.47529 0.0060928 Bay Begin Captain Coast Country Denmark Disappear English Family Fish Merchant North Sea Ship Spitsbergen Russian Priest Woman Island War Whale Fog Hammerfest Hut Ice Kill Police Sailor Stay Storm Travel West Wind Winter Lapp Reindeer Skin Swedish
Reise nach dem skandinavischen Norden und der Insel Island im Jahre 1845 1846 Ida Pfeiffer Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0020488 0.41439 0.0 Day Fish Merchant Reykjavík River Water
Walden ; or, Life in the Woods 1854 Henry David Thoreau Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.002034 0.0 0.0
Voyage d'une femme au Spitzberg 1854 Léonie d'Aunet Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.00068776 0.0 0.0
Voyage d'une femme au Sptizberg 1854 Léonie d'Aunet Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.00068597 0.0 0.0
The Heroes of Asgard and the giants of Jötunheim; or, The week and its story 1857 Annie Keary Eliza Keary Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.46301 0.0 Aesir Knowledge Lake Life Loki River See Son Stone Thor Throw Cast Water Waterfall
Northern Travel: Summer and Winter Pictures of Sweden, Denmark and Lapland 1859 Bayard Taylor Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0015134 0.0 0.0
Les Aventures du capitaine Hatteras 1864 Jules Verne Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.00064599 0.0 0.0
Cast Away in the Cold; an Old Man's Story of a Young Man's Adventures, as Related by Captain John Hardy, Mariner 1869 Isaac Israel Hayes Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0 0.0 0.0
Om Lappland och Lapparne, företrädesvis de svenske 1873 Gustaf von Düben Spacy_sv_core_news_md fiske 0.0016423 0.43137 0.0 Lake Norway Reindeer Lapp Year
Les Côtes d’Islande et la pêche de la morue 1875 George Aragon Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.021682 0.56897 0.086619 Bay Captain Crew Danger Day Fish Police Sailor Iceland Ship War Man Island Fjord Form Suffering Wind Sea Travel Place France Line
Vegas färd kring Asien och Europa jemte en historisk återblick på föregående resor längs gamla verldens nordkust 1880 Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld Spacy_sv_core_news_md fiske 0.00095263 0.38522 0.0 Beach Fish Shore
The story of a Scandinavian Summer 1881 Tyler Katherine Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0016719 0.46022 0.00027358 Coast Crew Finmark Fish Island Line Lofoten North Oil Open Sea Ship Winter Year Head Rock Water Fjord Life Shore
By Fell and Fjord or Scenes and Studies in Iceland 1882 Elizabeth Jane Oswald Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0059027 0.48092 0.00017828 Country Fish Knowledge Land Sea Kill Water Good River Norway
Norse stories: retold from the Eddas 1882 Mabie, Hamilton Wright Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0036987 0.51678 0.0035408 Change Enemy Find Fish Geirrod Good Head Line Sea Serpent Shore Strength Water Hall Mother Ship Stone Sun Thor Travel Tyr Loki Mountain River Throw Cast Waterfall
Fädernas gudasaga 1887 Viktor Rydberg Spacy_sv_core_news_md fiske 0.00027666 0.44942 0.0 Ask Battle Drove Farm Giant Head Place Say Ship Strength Thor Travel Tyr
Al Polo Nord 1889 Emilio Salgari Spacy_it_core_news_md pesca 0.0087262 0.51471 0.011904 Ask Beautiful Find Fish Light Ship Hunter Hunting Weapon Whale Water Sea Whiteness
Grettir the Outlaw 1889 Sabine Baring-Gould Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0010912 0.0 0.0
Eskimoliv 1891 Fridtjof Nansen Spacy_nb_core_news_md fangst 0.0054348 0.49515 0.010984 Family Kayak Travel House Tent Religion Soul Wild Lake Nature
Les Français au Pôle nord 1892 Louis Boussenard Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.0013386 0.36704 0.0 Man Ship
Legends of Norseland 1894 A. Chase Mara L. Pratt-Chadwick Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.48658 0.0 Find Fish God Home Midgard Mountain Ocean Say Sea Serpent Thor Water Whiteness
Al Polo Australe in velocipede 1895 Emilio Salgari Spacy_it_core_news_md pesca 0.0042898 0.42647 0.000447 Cape Fish Sea Water
Au pays des lacs. Scènes de la vie familiale en Suède. 1895 Fernande de Lysle Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.0016425 0.33898 0.0 Day Way Wood
Nel paese dei ghiacci 1896 Emilio Salgari Spacy_it_core_news_md pesca 0.0031825 0.37838 0.035714 Fish Ship Whale
Fram over Polhavet. Den norske polarfærd 1893–1896 1896 Fridtjof Nansen Spacy_nb_core_news_md fangst 0.0017386 0.0 0.0
Farthest North: Being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship Fram, 1893–96, and of a Fifteen Months' Sleigh Journey 1896 Fridtjof Nansen Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.00060459 0.0 0.0
Through Arctic Lapland 1898 Charles John Cutcliffe Wright Hyne Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0036496 0.38782 0.0 Fish Lake River
Land of the Long Night 1899 Paul Du Chaillu Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0081339 0.55325 0.0077554 Alaska Appear Captain City Coast Country Crew Day Duty Find Finmark Fish Land People Folk Think Travel Home Olaf Time Year Man Sea Foot Sail Sailor Water Work Johansen Life Talk Island Sail (action) Ship Rock Name Storm North River Head Help Luck Joy Happiness Throw Cast Try House
La Stella Polare ed il suo viaggio avventuroso 1901 Emilio Salgari Spacy_it_core_news_md pesca 0.0026986 0.44898 0.00055944 Captain Destruction Fish Hunter Hunting Sea Time Weapon Whale
In the Days of Giants 1902 Abbie Farwell Brown Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0021632 0.50278 0.00021951 Brother Cry Fear Fish Line Midgard Sea Serpent Thor Water Whale Giant Hall Mother Ship
Fra vor grændse mod Rusland 1902 Andreas B. Wessel Spacy_nb_core_news_md fangst 0.0022403 0.0 0.0
The Frozen North 1904 Edith Horton Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0020877 0.45063 0.00043768 Age Beautiful Cold Hunting Tent Winter Woman Indian Lake Mountain River Whiteness
Tracks in the snow 1906 Godfrey Rathbone Benson Charnwood Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0016867 0.48619 0.0 Age Bridge Country Find Fish Floor House Hut Inn Land Morning Night South Stand Village
Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige 1907 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md fiske 0.00049731 0.0 0.0
Round about the North Pole 1907 William John Gordon Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.00086643 0.0 0.0
The North West Passage 1908 Roald Amundsen Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0040252 0.45954 0.0012366 Day Fish Seal Reindeer Water Wood Lake Line Night Tent Wife
Una sfida al Polo 1909 Emilio Salgari Spacy_it_core_news_md pesca 0.0015979 0.016393 0.0 Fish
The Great White North 1910 Helen S. Wright Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.00088398 0.0 0.0
My Attainment of the Pole 1911 Frederick Albert Cook Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0004952 0.0 0.0
In Northern Mists: Arctic Exploration in Early Times (vol. 2) 1911 Fridtjof Nansen Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0026531 0.49892 0.0001295 Bear Coast Culture Eskimo Norwegian Good Greenland Ice Life Open Present Seal Ship Smith South Tent Woman Hunting Kayak Place Way
In Northern Mists: Arctic Exploration in Early Times 1911 Fridtjof Nansen Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.004442 0.51702 0.00076608 Animal Bear Bird Coast Culture East Eskimo Find Finmark Finn Fish Greenlander Hunting Polar Reindeer Seal Hunter Language Norwegian Good Greenland Ice Life Open Present Ship Smith South Fjord Lapp Name Norsemen Place Mountain People Folk Sea
Stories from Northern Myths 1914 Emilie Kip Baker Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0013543 0.43405 0.0 Giant God Line Mother Sea Ship Thor Tyr
Whale hunting with gun and camera 1916 Roy Chapman Andrews Spacy_en_core_web_md fishing 0.0015727 0.0 0.0
Bannlyst 1918 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md fiske 0.00079962 0.0 0.0
Smilla et l'amour de la neige 1996 Peter Høeg Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.00061947 0.0 0.0
La Loi des Sames 2014 Lars Pettersson Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.0006215 0.0 0.0
Le Détroit du loup 2014 Olivier Truc Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.0017988 0.35062 0.00020602 Coast Mother Sea
L'Expédition 2016 Monica Kristensen Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.00099059 0.36792 0.0 Bear Ski Wild animals
Qaanaaq 2018 Mo Malø Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.0004676 0.0 0.0
La Fille sans peau 2020 Mads Peder Nordbo Spacy_fr_core_news_md peche 0.00098892 0.0 0.0

Moyenne de la fréquence d'apparition dans les œuvres selon la période

- 19  : 0.001201
1660 - 1679  : 0.002897
1720 - 1739  : 0.003783
1740 - 1759  : 0.001930
1800 - 1819  : 0.001405
1820 - 1839  : 0.004592
1840 - 1859  : 0.002005
1860 - 1879  : 0.007990
1880 - 1899  : 0.003214
1900 - 1919  : 0.001879
1980 - 1999  : 0.000619
2000 - 2019  : 0.000970
2020 - 2039  : 0.000989