
De Mythemes



Les mots des listes suivantes seront recherchés dans les œuvres traitées avec un modèle de langue coïncidant. La recherche est restreinte aux POS indiqués.

  • apple (langModel: Spacy_en_core_web_md, POS: NOUN)
  • pomme pommes (langModel: Spacy_fr_core_news_md, POS: NOUN)

Voisins (expérimental, betweenness > 0.02)


Toggle columns: Voisins

Titre Publication Auteurs Modèle liste Fréquence C.Prox C.Int Voisins
Titre Publication Auteurs Modèle liste Fréquence C.Prox C.Int Voisins
Völsunga saga Anonymous Spacy_fr_core_news_md pomme 0.0067659 0.0 0.0
Articles de presse sur Selma Lagerlöf Ouest-France Spacy_fr_core_news_md pomme 0.0013672 0.0 0.0
The history of Lapland: wherein are shewed the original manners, habits, marriages, conjurations, &c. of that people : written by John Scheffer, professor of law and rhetoric at Upsal in Sweden 1674 Johannes Schefferus Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.00014484 0.0 0.0
Précis de la géographie universelle, ou Description de toutes les parties du monde (tome 3) 1810 Condrad Malte-Brun Spacy_fr_core_news_md pomme 0.00071127 0.41722 0.000018976 Culture Earth Land Production Wine West
Lachesis Lapponica, or a Tour in Lapland 1811 Carl von Linné Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.00093122 0.0 0.0
Nordens gamle Gude- og Helte-Sagn 1840 Peter Andreas Munch Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.0014657 0.47048 0.0 Aesir Age Asgard Balder Eagle Fly Freyja Giant Grow Hall Iduna Loki Nanna Sif Wife
Lettres sur le Nord 1840 Xavier Marmier Spacy_fr_core_news_md pomme 0.00068093 0.33634 0.0 Land
Walden ; or, Life in the Woods 1854 Henry David Thoreau Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.0019143 0.0 0.0
Voyage d'une femme au Spitzberg 1854 Léonie d'Aunet Spacy_fr_core_news_md pomme 0.0017882 0.0 0.0
Voyage d'une femme au Sptizberg 1854 Léonie d'Aunet Spacy_fr_core_news_md pomme 0.0017835 0.0 0.0
The Heroes of Asgard and the giants of Jötunheim; or, The week and its story 1857 Annie Keary Eliza Keary Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.0057457 0.47339 0.00064737 Air Fear Iduna Listen Loki Morning Stand Think Asgard Beautiful Grow Tree
The Far North: Exploration in the Arctic Regions 1879 Elisha Kent Kane Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.00082413 0.0 0.0
The Younger Edda. Also called Snorre's Edda, or The Prose Edda 1879 Snorri Sturluson Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.0024235 0.48101 0.0 Age Asgard Eagle Find Fly Freyja Home Iduna Jotunheim Loki See Travel
Norse stories: retold from the Eddas 1882 Mabie, Hamilton Wright Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.0033625 0.45294 0.0 Asgard Beautiful Eagle Face Feast Gods Iduna Loki Morning Power
Gösta Berlings saga 1891 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md äpple 0.00051555 0.0 0.0
The Tragedy of the Norse Gods 1893 Ruth J. Pitt Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.0055182 0.44068 0.00054243 Age Beautiful Child Iduna Love Luck Joy Happiness Present Tree Dwarf Grow Spirit
Legends of Norseland 1894 A. Chase Mara L. Pratt-Chadwick Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.01574 0.46774 0.00033149 Door Morning Open Ask Begin Cry Iduna Wall City Life Asgard Bird Loki
Asgard Stories: tales from Norse mythology 1901 Mary H Foster Mabel H Cummings Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.0094619 0.4613 0.00014545 Asgard Bird Day Flower Gods Iduna Loki Magic River Sit Tree Eagle Fly Knowledge
In the Days of Giants 1902 Abbie Farwell Brown Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.010816 0.53869 0.00068644 Age Asgard Iduna Loki Ask Balder Beautiful Cry Dark Death Evil Flower Frigga Grow Love Magic Nanna Night People Folk Spring Sun Tell narrate Think Time Voice Word World Find Eagle Shout call Sit Valhalla
"Younger Edda". In: The Elder Eddas of Saemund Sigfusson; and the Younger Eddas of Snorre Sturleson 1906 I. A. Blackwell Snorri Sturluson Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.0022297 0.53004 0.00047883 Age Asgard Begin End Find Fly Forest Giant Iduna Listen Loki Peace Rock See Tell narrate Tree Eagle Freyja Hoard Jotunheim Time Father Fire Sea Wall
Au cœur de l’hiver suédois - Noël en Dalécarlie 1907 André Bellessort Spacy_fr_core_news_md pomme 0.0016393 0.0 0.0
Told by the Northmen: Stories from the Eddas and Sagas 1908 Ethel Mary Wilmot-Buxton Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.0026205 0.45714 0.00010032 Aesir Age Asgard Day Grow Iduna Loki Magic Beautiful Eagle
The Siege and Conquest of the North Pole 1910 George Bryce Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.00077857 0.0 0.0
In Northern Mists: Arctic Exploration in Early Times 1911 Fridtjof Nansen Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.0012984 0.43548 0.000067945 Animal House Life Man Church Island Myth Say
Stories from Northern Myths 1914 Emilie Kip Baker Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.0051463 0.43116 0.00005614 Asgard Gods Iduna Loki Frigga Disparaître Eagle Fly
Kejsarn av Portugallien 1914 Selma Lagerlöf Spacy_sv_core_news_md äpple 0.0014752 0.0 0.0
The Children of Odin. The Book of Northern Myths 1920 Padraic Colum Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.015473 0.52064 0.00044975 Age Asgard Iduna Stay Day Eat Evil Father Loki Odin Time World Grow Listen Tree Beautiful Hair Sif Thor Wife Fly Say Tell narrate Wall Way Eagle Giant Iceberg
La Loi des Sames 2014 Lars Pettersson Spacy_fr_core_news_md pomme 0.00087011 0.0 0.0
Hotel Valhalla 2016 Spacy_en_core_web_md apple 0.0018187 0.45149 0.0 Giant Magic Say Time
La Fille sans peau 2020 Mads Peder Nordbo Spacy_fr_core_news_md pomme 0.0 0.0 0.0
Venusberget 2021 Katarina Carlshamre Spacy_sv_core_news_md äpple 0.0060852 0.53774 0.0018791 Dance Day Grow Knowledge Open Say Sea Think Dark Darkness Forest Listen Talk Human being

Moyenne de la fréquence d'apparition dans les œuvres selon la période

- 19  : 0.004067
1660 - 1679  : 0.000145
1800 - 1819  : 0.000821
1840 - 1859  : 0.002230
1860 - 1879  : 0.001624
1880 - 1899  : 0.006284
1900 - 1919  : 0.003941
1920 - 1939  : 0.015473
2000 - 2019  : 0.001344
2020 - 2039  : 0.006085