Univers:Littérature de jeunesse
De Mythemes
Mythèmes liés à l'univers Littérature de jeunesse
- Age
- Air
- Altar
- American
- Animal
- Battle
- Bay
- Bear
- Beast
- Bed
- Bird
- Bone
- Book
- Cabin
- Cape
- Captain
- Car
- Chair
- Circle
- Cliff
- Coast
- Compass
- Concept
- Dance
- Danish
- Darkness
- Day
- Death
- Deer
- Doctor
- Dog
- Door
- Eagle
- Earth
- Eat
- End
- Enemy
- Eskimo
- Etah
- Exploration
- Explorer
- Face
- Fall
- Farm
- Father
- Field
- Find
- Fire
- Floor
- Follow
- Foot
- Fox
- Frozen
- Fur
- Game
- Good
- Greenland
- Grow
- Hair
- Harbour
- Head
- Heart
- Help
- Hill
- Hole
- Home
- Horse
- House
- Hunter
- Hunting
- Hut
- Ice
- Ice pack
- Iceberg
- Igloo
- Kill
- King
- Kitchen
- Knowledge
- Land
- Life
- Light
- Listen
- Luck Joy Happiness
- Madness
- Man
- Meat
- Milk
- Moose
- Morning
- Name
- Native
- Night
- North
- North Pole
- Ocean
- Oil
- Open
- People Folk
- Place
- Polar
- Pole
- Police
- Power
- Present
- Quiet
- Reality
- Revolver
- Ride
- Rifle
- River
- Rock
- Room
- Sacrifice
- Sail (action)
- Sailor
- Say
- Sea
- Seal
- See
- Ship
- Shore
- Shout call
- Sign
- Sit
- Skin
- Sledge
- Smith
- Smoke
- Snow
- Son
- South
- Spear
- Stand
- Stay
- Storm
- Summer
- Sun
- Talk
- Tell narrate
- Tent
- Think
- Throw Cast
- Time
- Tom
- Travel
- Tree
- Try
- Uncle
- Upernavik
- Village
- Voice
- Wall
- Walrus
- Warm
- Water
- Way
- Weapon
- West
- Whale
- Wheel
- Whiteness
- Wild
- Wind
- Window
- Woman
- Wonder Amazement
- Wood
- Word
- Work
- World
- Year
Œuvres où apparaît l'univers Littérature de jeunesse
- First at the North Pole; or, Two Boys in the Arctic Circle
- Through the Air to the North Pole; or, The Wonderful Cruise of the Electric Monarch