
De Mythemes

Actor; Chronotope


Les mots des listes suivantes seront recherchés dans les œuvres traitées avec un modèle de langue coïncidant. La recherche est restreinte aux POS indiqués.

  • vega (langModel: Spacy_en_core_web_md, POS: PROPN NOUN)
  • vega (langModel: Spacy_it_core_news_md, POS: PROPN NOUN)
  • vega (langModel: Spacy_nb_core_news_md, POS: PROPN NOUN)
  • vega (langModel: Spacy_sv_core_news_md, POS: PROPN NOUN)
  • vega véga (langModel: Spacy_fr_core_news_md, POS: PROPN NOUN)

Voisins (expérimental, betweenness > 0.02)

Age, Ask, Beach, Beautiful, Begin, Castle, City, Coast, Colony, Country, Crew, Day, Dog, Europe, European, Follow, France, Harbour, Ice, Japan, King, Land, Man, Mars, Morning, Mountain, Night, North, Norway, Open, Paris, People Folk, Picture, Place, River, Russian, Say, Scandinavian, See, Ship, Shore, Siberia, South, Stockholm, Summer, Sweden, Swedish, Table, Tell narrate, Tent, Time, Travel, Tromsø, Warm, Water, Way, Wind, Winter, Word, Work, Year


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Titre Publication Auteurs Modèle liste Fréquence C.Prox C.Int Voisins
Titre Publication Auteurs Modèle liste Fréquence C.Prox C.Int Voisins
Vegas färd kring Asien och Europa jemte en historisk återblick på föregående resor längs gamla verldens nordkust 1880 Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld Spacy_sv_core_news_md vega 0.00905 0.62393 0.062976 Age Ask Beach Beautiful Begin Castle City Coast Colony Country Crew Day Dog Europe European Follow France Harbour Ice Japan King Land Man Mars Morning Mountain Night North Norway Open Paris People Folk Picture Place River Russian Say Scandinavian See Ship Shore Siberia South Stockholm Summer Sweden Swedish Table Tell narrate Tent Time Travel Tromsø Year Work Wind Water Way Warm Winter Word
Farthest North: Being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship Fram, 1893–96, and of a Fifteen Months' Sleigh Journey 1896 Fridtjof Nansen Spacy_en_core_web_md vega 0.00050383 0.0 0.0
The Frozen North 1904 Edith Horton Spacy_en_core_web_md vega 0.0032806 0.50141 0.0036722 Asia Day Explorer Ice Indian King Knowledge Language Liberty Life Native People Folk Reindeer Russian Ship Shore Siberian Skin Strait Sweden Tent
Round about the North Pole 1907 William John Gordon Spacy_en_core_web_md vega 0.0012996 0.41397 0.0 Cape Nordenskiöld North Ship

Moyenne de la fréquence d'apparition dans les œuvres selon la période

1880 - 1899  : 0.004777
1900 - 1919  : 0.002290