Oeuvre:1906 Rockwood Through the Air to the North Pole
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|corpus=Corpus 0 |statut=1 |valide=Non |analyseFull=Non |titre=Through the Air to the North Pole; or, The Wonderful Cruise of the Electric Monarch |langue=en |auteurs=Roy Rockwood |datePub=1906 |themes=Polar exploration |editeur=Cupples & Leon |champsSavoir=Literary text |lieuPub=New York |lieuFiction=North Pole |archive=Project Gutenberg |dateFiction=20th century |lienArch=http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/14665/pg14665.html |illustration=1906 Rockwood Through the Air to the North Pole.jpg |legende=Cover of the first edition Source: [1]. |genres=Novel |audiences=Childrens |ontologicalStatus=Fiction |univers=Littérature de jeunesse |descriptionfr=Le premier volume de la série des romans d'aventures pour enfant Great Marvel. Les orphelins Mark et Jack sont élevés par le Professeur Henderson, avec l'aide de son assistant Washington White et de son ami le chasseur Andy Sudds. Dans ce premier volet, le Professeur construit un bateau/dirigeable appelé le Monarque, qu'ils utilisent pour voyager au Pôle Nord. |descriptionen=This is the first volume on 9 of the book series for children Great Marvel. Orphans Mark and Jack are fostered by Professor Henderson, with help from the professor's assistant Washington White and his friend Andy Sudds, the big game hunter. In their first adventures the Professor builds a unique boat/dirigible called the Monarch, which they use to visit the North Pole. |bibliographie=Michelle YOST, Exploring the World with Roy Rockwood, in A Study of the Hollow Earth [en ligne], 2013. |titreEdUt=Through the Air to the North Pole; or, The Wonderful Cruise of the Electric Monarch |auteursEdUt=Roy Rockwood |datePubEdUt=1906 |lieuPubEdUt=New York |archiveEdUt=Project Gutenberg |texte=1906 Rockwood Through the Air to the North Pole.txt |langModel=Spacy_en_core_web_md |rayon=120 |recouvrement=50 |effMin=5 |surRep=1.2 |explTexteNettfr=Suppression des notices copyright du projet Gutenberg et du sommaire. |explTexteNetten=Removal of : copyright notes from Project Gutenberg and contents page. |lienArchEdUt=http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/14665 |AnalyseFull=Non |effLemma=2994}} {{Expansion depth limit exceeded|contributeur=Solenne Guyot }}