Oeuvre:1852 Osborn Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal

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{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|corpus=Corpus 0 |statut=1 |valide=Non |analyseFull=Non |titre=Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal or, Eighteen Months in the Polar Regions, in Search of Sir John Franklin's Expedition, in the Years 1850–51 |langue=en |auteurs=Sherard Osborn |datePub=1852 |themes=Polar exploration |editeur=George P. Putnam |champsSavoir=Literary text; Geography |lieuPub=New York |lieuFiction=North Pole |dateFiction=19th century |illustration=1852 Osborn Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal.jpg |legende=Page de titre de la première édition. Source : https://www.pbagalleries.com/view-auctions/catalog/id/359/lot/110584/Stray-Leaves-From-an-Arctic-Journal-or-Eighteen-Months-in-the-Polar-Regions-in-Search-of-Sir-John-Franklin-s-Expedition-in-the-Years-1850-51 |genres=Autobiography; Travelogue |audiences=Adults |ontologicalStatus=Faction |descriptionfr=La disparition de l'équipe de l'expédition polaire de John Franklin en 1845 a été la source de nombreuses tentatives de sauvetage menées par le gouvernement britannique. L'amiral Sherard Osborn a joué un rôle important dans l'une d'entre elles, la Royal Naval Expedition en 1850-51. Il était le commandant de l'HMS Pioneer dans l'expédition arctique menée par Horatio Thomas Austin. Il effectua un remarquable voyage en traîneau jusqu'à l'extrémité ouest de l'île du Prince-de-Galles. "Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal" est le compte-rendu de ce voyage. |descriptionen=The disappearance of Sir John Franklin's Arctic expedition of 1845 led to many rescue attempts by the British government. The admiral Sherard Osborn took a prominent part in one of them, in the new search expedition, the Royal Navy Expedition of 1850-51. He was at the command of the HMS Pioneer in the Arctic expedition lead by Horatio Thomas Austin. He performed a remarkable sledge-journey to the western extremity of Prince of Cales Island. "Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal" is his account of this trip. |bibliographie=François ANGELIER, "Osborn, Sherard", in Dictionnaire des Voyageurs et Explorateurs occidentaux, Paris, Pygamlion, 2011.

Hugh CHISHOLM, "Osborn, Sherard", in Encyclopædia Britannica, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1911.

MOWAT Farley, Ordeal by Ice: The Search for the Northwest Passage, Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1973 [1961]. |titreEdUt=Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal or, Eighteen Months in the Polar Regions, in Search of Sir John Franklin's Expedition, in the Years 1850–51 |auteursEdUt=Sherard Osborn |datePubEdUt=1852 |lieuPubEdUt=New York |archiveEdUt=Project Gutenberg |texte=1852 Osborn Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal.txt |langModel=Spacy_en_core_web_md |rayon=120 |recouvrement=50 |effMin=5 |surRep=1.2 |explTexteNettfr=Suppression des notices copyright du projet Gutenberg, des notes du transcripteur, des titres d'en-tête et des mentions d'illustrations dans le texte. |explTexteNetten=Removal of : copyright notes from Project Gutenberg, transcriber's notes, mentions of headnotes and illustrations in the text. |lienArchEdUt=http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/24891 |motsComposes=North Cape; North Pole; Polar Sea |AnalyseFull=Non |effLemma=5913}} {{Expansion depth limit exceeded|contributeur=Solenne Guyot }}